High-Energy Physics research centre

   Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Particle Physics Groups: ELEM and TENA


General Proposal [here]

5 important publications during the last 5 years: Jorgen D'Hondt [here]

5 important publications during the last 5 years: Nick van Eijndhoven [here]

5 important publications during the last 5 years: Ben Craps [here]

List of PhD degrees and publications in the last 5 years [here]

Relevant links:

Our research groups ELEM/IIHE [here] and TENA [here]

The phenomenology group at the VUB [here]

The CMS experiment at CERN [here]

The IceCube experiment on the South Pole [here]

CERN [here] and its Large Hadron Collider [here], and DESY [here]

The Solvay Institutes [here]

International Particle Physics Outreach Group (IPPOG) [here]

Worldwide LHC Computing GRID [here]

Technology Transfer at CERN [here]

  Prof. Jorgen D'Hondt • Vrije Universiteit Brussel • Pleinlaan 2 • 1050 Elsene • ++32-(0)496-704865 • jodhondt@vub.ac.be