The prestigious Moriond 2024 conference about Electroweak Interactions & Unified Theories took place end of March in La Thuile in Italy. About 150 physicists gathered together to discuss the latest experimental and theoretical results in the field. A variety of subjects were covered. Recent results on Brout-Englert-Higgs boson studies, precise electroweak measurements and searches for new physics reported by ATLAS, CMS and LHCb experiments were presented and discussed in details. Various sessions were devoted to flavour physics with new results from the two main B hadron factories LHCb and Belle II, as well as from BESIII, NA62 and KOTO experiments, followed by a session on dark matter search and precision measurements as g-2. The elusive neutrinos were at the heart of the conference, with the latest results from T2K, NOvA, Super-K, and many others (Katrin, Legend, Cuore, Borexino, Faser, Icecube, ...). The experimental summary talk was given by Barbara Clerbaux from ULB and the theory summary talk by Svjetlana Fajfer from Ljubljana University.