Brussels Humanities, Sciences & Engineering Campus
How to get to the IIHE?
VUB Campus
Building G, on the first 2 floors
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussels
Did you know that there are 2 trains/hour between Etterbeek station and Zaventem Airport? It takes only 25 minutes by train to get here.
Finding your way on foot

This is the largest campus, housing the Faculties of Arts and Philosophy, Law and Criminology, Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Economics, Social and Political Sciences and the Solvay Business School, Psychology and Educational Sciences and the Faculty of Physical Education and Movement Sciences. The office of the rector, the social services, the restaurant and the socio-cultural infrastructure are also accommodated here.
Campus maps:
- Location of the campus in the Brussels agglomeration
- Map of the surroundings of the campus
- Campus map
By public transport

At the request of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, the MIVB/STIB has drawn up a reachability sheet for both campuses of the university. These sheets provide an overview of the different options for reaching the campuses using the Brussels’ public transport company:
- Plan your journey by train with the route planner of the NMBS/SNCB
- MIVB/STIB reachability sheet for the Etterbeek campus
Please consult the website of the MIVB/STIB for more information regarding trams and buses in Brussels. More information regarding the buses of De Lijn and Le TEC can be found on the websites.
By car

The main campus of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel is enclosed between several major roads. For detailed or alternative routes, please consult Google Maps or