Experimental Techniques in Particle Physics

   Organized by Prof. Jorgen D'Hondt (VUB) and Prof. Albert De Roeck (UA)

Advanced course on general techniques used in particle physics to conduct experiments. This includes a part on the physics of detection techniques and a part on the reconstruction and analysis of particle collisions.

Both lecturers were involved in divers particle physics experiments in the past and lecture in function of the experimental techniques which are utilied at these experiments. Several of these techniques have very clear applications beyond the particle physics research.

This course will in general be taught in English, unless all students are Dutch speaking. All the course material is in English.

Agenda 2012-2013

Students not from the VUB have to register using the form via this link, and submit it at the secretary of the Faculty of Science at the VUB. This registration is free of charge. They will receive a VUB student card which is useful on the VUB campus.

Detection techniques

Prof. Albert De Roeck (UA)

The use of particle detectors is a key ingredient in the study of particle physics phenomena, but also in many other disciplines of science, medicine and industry. In order to built and understand the instrumentation, one needs to study the interaction of particles with matter and the basic detector principles. This part of the course will introduce those concepts in detail, to the level when the student will be able to understand any modern particle detector. The detectors around the Large Hadron Collider at CERN will serve as the main example.

The exam consists in an advanced presentation of a specific particle detector used in particle physics. Examples are gas detectors, semiconductor detectors, calorimeters, Cherenkov detectors, cosmic rays detectors, gravitational wave detectors, ...

The transparancies of the lectures are available via this link (2011-2012).

For the year 2012-2013 the link is here: lecture 1, lecture 2, lecture 3, lecture 4.

Reconstruction and Analysis techniques

Prof. Jorgen D'Hondt (VUB)

Particle collisions are provided by divers scientific facilities, among which we take the Large Hadron Collider at CERN as the main example. A series of tools and techniques have to be applied in other to extract physics results. The chain from the detection of the signals in the detector to the final physics result is the topic of this part of the course.

The content of this part of the course is the following.

  • Overview of the main parameters of colliders and detectors which are needed for the design of the Trigger and Data Aquisition systems
  • Trigger algorithms and Data Aquisition (DAQ) systems for detectors at particle colliders
  • Reconstruction of tracks (incl resolution on the transvers momentum, measured in a magnetic field, Kalman filter algorithm, ...)
  • Jet reconstruction via divers jet clustering algortihms
  • Statistical aspects of key analysis techniques (incl Feldman-Cousins method)

Part of the material for the course (Trigger and DAQ) can be found in the slide via this link. The remaining part of the course will be taught on the black board, because they involve detailed calculations. A copy of the written notes will be provided.

Lecture notes (2011-2012): lecture 1, lecture 2 and lecture 3.
Lecture notes (2012-2013): lecture 1, lecture 2 and lecture 3 (and notations of lecture 3).
Task: Write a 5 to 7 pages primer on jet reconstruction algorithms.
What is the aim of these reconstruction algorithms? Which algorithms are available? What are their key features? What are the main challenges for these algorithms? How are they used? For what purpose?

You need to get introduced to these concepts in order to answer one of the questions during the exam. The primer needs to be send by email in pdf format to the lecturer at least 2 days before the exam.

An example references: "Towards Jetography", G.Salam, arXiv:0906.1833v2

Prof. Jorgen D'Hondt • Vrije Universiteit Brussel • Pleinlaan 2 • 1050 Elsene • Tel.: 02/629.34.83 • jodhondt@vub.ac.be